Sustainable forest management and natural forestry: this is the strategy pursued by the Rastatt Forest. It ensures that the forest can develop in a healthy and resilient manner, that it provides a home for animals and plants, and that it offers people a place of recreation.
The team of forest engineers, foresters and trainees focuses on sustainable care of the urban forest. Trees are felled so that other, selected trees can grow healthily and stably or to promote natural forest regeneration and species richness.
Economic aspects are not the main focus in the management of the municipal forest. Therefore, in the spirit of sustainability, only as much wood is harvested as grows back in the forest. In the Rastatt municipal forest, this amounts to around 9,400 solid cubic meters of wood per year, which are marketed by the forestry.
The goal of near-natural forest management is not only the careful, controlled adaptation of forest stands to climate change, but also the promotion of suitable tree species through natural regeneration.
For this purpose, the game population must be regulated by hunting in order to avoid feeding damage to the young trees as far as possible.
Opening hours
Mon, Tues and Thurs: 8 a.m. to noon
Wed: 8 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m