The municipal council has to make many decisions that significantly shape life in Rastatt. In order to be able to discuss applications and administrative proposals in depth and to relieve the municipal council, there are decision-making committees. These consult in advance of a municipal council meeting, but can also make decisions independently under certain conditions.
Each committee consists of 14 city councilors and the mayor as chairman. The guidelines for this are laid down in the municipal code of the state of Baden-Württemberg.
The parliamentary groups in the Rastatt municipal council have the right to delegate expert residents to the committees. Each committee has eight expert residents. They have the right to speak at the meetings, but may not vote.
There are six committees in Rastatt
Administration and Finance Committee
The Administration and Finance Committee is responsible for matters of general administration, personnel matters, and financial and property matters within the established value limits.
Thorsten Ackermann (CDU), Renate Franzke (CDU), Brigitta Lenhard (CDU), Daniela Schneider (CDU), Harald Ballerstaedt (SPD), Joachim Fischer (SPD), Roy Zilius (SPD), Ursula Böss-Walter (The Greens), Dieter Gerster (The Greens), Klaus Föry (FW), Herbert Köllner (FW), Alois Degler (AfD), Simone Walker (FuR), Michael Weber (FDP)
Residents in the know:
Lutz Albrecht (CDU), Martin Dauenhauer (CDU), Axel Wunsch (Die Grünen), Matthias Weyrauch (FW), Torsten Stüber-Bertrand (AfD), Ingo Bilek (FuR), Erna Mühlroth (SPD), Bernd Schlögl (SPD)
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee is responsible for matters relating to technical administration. It decides, among other things, on the awarding of municipal construction investment projects in building construction and civil engineering or the customer area of green spaces within the specified value limits.
Stefan Felsner (CDU), Mathias Köppel (CDU), Stefan Lott (CDU), Jürgen Wahl (CDU), Inge Bellan-Payrault (SPD), Nicole Maier-Rechenbach (SPD), Michael Weck (SPD), Barbara Dürr (Die Grünen), Roland Walter (Die Grünen), Herbert Köllner (FW), Dieter Scharer (FW), Roland Oberst (AfD), Dr. Volker Kek (AfD), Daniel Götz (FuR), Dr. Erich Wölfle (FDP)
Residents with expertise:
Martin Graf (CDU), Erik-Arndt Gerike (CDU), Hubert Völlinger (The Greens), Annemarie Hüttlin (FW), Manfred Fleig (AfD), Werner Bartel (FuR), Marcel Müller (SPD), Edith Villwock (SPD)
Committee for Youth, Social Affairs and Culture
The Committee for Youth, Social Affairs and Culture is responsible for the social and cultural affairs of the city. For example, it advises on the affairs of the city's cultural and sports facilities. It is also responsible for fundamental issues and developments in social work and the promotion of children and young people.
Andreas Feser (CDU), Andrea Gutzweiter (CDU), Horst Jochim (CDU), Heiko Ullrich (CDU), Laura Bader (SPD), Inge Bellan-Payrault (SPD), Marcus Grieser (Die Linke), Uta Böllinger (Die Grünen), Gülsün Akcakoca (Die Grünen), Dr. Michael Gehse (FW), Manuel Schaaf (FW), Ralf Willert (AfD), Peter Dinger (FuR), Michael Weber (FDP)
Residents with special expertise:
Walter Bardon (CDU), Johanna Hänfling (CDU), Hans-Peter Funk (FW), Alexander Ferch (SPD), Melike Schindler (SPD), Sven Trautwein (Die Grünen)
Reallocation Committee
The reallocation committee is responsible for carrying out reallocations of building land.
Renate Franzke (CDU), Mathias Köppel (CDU), Brigitta Lenhard (CDU), Jürgen Wahl (CDU), Harald Ballerstaedt (SPD), Joachim Fischer (SPD), Roy Zilius (SPD), Barbara Dürr (Die Grünen), Roland Walter (Die Grünen), Klaus Hüttlin (FW), Herbert Köllner (FW), Torsten Stüber-Bertrand (AfD), Peter Dinger (FuR), Dr. Erich Wölfle (FDP)
Residents with expertise:
Waldemar Schmidt (CDU), Holger Zimmer (CDU), Dr. Peter Hänfling (FW), Uwe Seiser (FuR), Timo Deible (SPD), Klaus Lützenkirchen (SPD), Kerstin Nippraschk (The Greens)
Joint Committee of the Rastatt Administrative Community
The joint committee of the administrative community of Rastatt decides on the preparatory urban land use planning for the municipalities of Iffezheim, Muggensturm, Ötigheim and Steinmauern and on the tasks of the road construction authority for the roads connecting the municipalities.
Jürgen Wahl (CDU), Roy Zilius (SPD), Roland Walter (Die Grünen)
City committee for sports clubs
As the umbrella organization of the sports clubs in Rastatt, the City Committee for Sports Clubs is the link between clubs, the city administration, the local districts and the district of Rastatt. It is the point of contact for sports issues and is to be consulted as far as possible on all major issues affecting sports.
Horst Jochim (CDU), Roy Zilius (SPD), Markus Reuter (FW), Gülsün Akcakoca (Die Grünen), Marc Waldner (AfD), Michael Ams (FuR)
Municipal Bodies and Municipal Constitution Staff Office