In the Rastatt districts of Niederbühl/Förch, Ottersdorf, Plittersdorf, Rauental and Wintersdorf, the respective local councils decide on political matters. They are also consulted by the municipal council on important issues. The local councils each consist of ten members. The chairman of the local councils is the head of the village.
The city of Rastatt's citizen information system contains the meeting dates of the committees, public agendas and documents for the meetings of the local council as well as minutes of the results.
Niederbühl local council
Ottersdorf local council
Plittersdorf local council
Rauental local council
Wintersdorf local council
Stabsstelle Gemeindeorgane und Kommunalverfassung
Marktplatz 1
76437 Rastatt
Telefon 07222 972-1101
Fax 07222 972-1009