Rastatt is characterized by a diverse population. Approximately half of the inhabitants are immigrants themselves or have ancestors who were born abroad. This diversity is an enrichment and opportunity for the city. However, it also brings with it challenges for living together.
The Integration and Community Work customer area ensures that the necessary framework conditions and services are created so that immigrants can participate in all areas of social life and social cohesion is strengthened.
"You belong!" Living together in Rastatt
"Rastatt can integrate": this is the conclusion of the project "You belong! Living together in Rastatt" (PDF) (1.5 MB), which the city ran from 2020 to 2022. Together with many citizens and experts, measures were developed to further improve the participation of people with a migration background and coexistence in Rastatt. The result is the integration concept "Living together in Rastatt", which was adopted by the municipal council on April 28, 2022. It contains 34 very different measures that are to be implemented by 2025.
These cover five subject areas:
- Promoting language and education
- Promoting encounters and engagement
- Strengthening democracy and the rule of law as the basis for good coexistence
- Revitalizing urban space and shaping coexistence
- Perceiving integration as a cross-sectional task that affects everyone