People sometimes find themselves in difficult financial or personal situations. Often, possible help is not taken up due to uncertainty or ignorance. Problems then remain unresolved or even new ones arise. The Municipal Social Service of the City of Rastatt can help here: with personal advice, information about help options and individual support in solving problems.
Advice is given on
- Topics of the personal life situation
- Financial aspects and social benefits
- Participation opportunities and assistance with mental stress
- Addictive disorders
- Care and physical limitations
Typical situations
My income is too low. Where can I get supplementary benefits? I have lost track of my personal and financial situation. What can I do next? I can no longer manage my everyday life alone and have no relatives to support me. Where can I get help? I am worried about someone else and am looking for someone to advise me on support options. I am in a difficult life situation. Where can I get help?
The Municipal Social Service can help here. Get in touch with us! We are happy to help you.
Customer area youth development and social work
Flyer Municipal Social Service of the City of Rastatt (PDF) (2.1 MB)