Historische Bibliothek
Lyzeumstraße 11
76437 Rastatt

Opening hours

Mon, Tue, Wed: 10 am to 12 noon
Tue: 2 pm to 3 pm

Opening hours special exhibition

sundays, public holidays: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and during public guided tours and by prior arrangement

Admission prices special exhibition

Adults 4 euros, concessions 2 euros
Admission free on the 1st Friday of the month
Guided tours: 45 euros (Mon-Fri), 55 euros (weekends/holidays)

Use of the Historical Library for academic purposes is free of charge

Further information

Online catalog

Rastatt Historical Library: FAQ (PDF) (45 KB)

Rastatt Municipal Museums: Visitor and user regulations (PDF) (14 KB)

Further links

On Facebook: The municipal museums of Rastatt

Instagram channel of the municipal museums