15.000-year-old mammoth teeth, Stone Age hand axes, artistic artifacts from the Bonze Age and medieval village books: all this can be admired in the permanent exhibition "A look back - the Middle Ages and prehistory of Rastatt" at the Rastatt City Museum. The exhibition in the vaulted cellar of the building takes visitors back to the distant past: from the Stone Age to the Metal Age, the Romans, the Merovingians and the Middle Ages.
Exceptional finds
The city museum has original pieces from every period. Highlights of the show include mammoth teeth that were once unearthed on the Röttererberg - a district of Rastatt. Or the Roman bronze statuette of a horseman, which workers found in 1963 during gravel extraction in Iffezheim and which caused a sensation as the "Iffezheim Horseman". The archaeological collection is one of the first collections of today's municipal museum, which was still called the "Municipal Collections" when it was founded in 1895. 126 years later, the same exhibition, which now contains far more items, has been redesigned and presented in a contemporary way.
For young visitors: history you can touch
The exhibition uses tablets, QR codes and audio sequences to bring the story to life using multimedia. There are also puzzle books with comics for younger visitors. And those who solve the puzzles receive a "primeval" reward at the end of their visit to the museum.
- Do, Fr, Sa: 12 bis 17 Uhr
- So u. Feiertage: 11 bis 17 Uhr
- Gruppenführungen nach Vereinbarung
Erwachsene 4 Euro, ermäßigt 2 Euro
Eintritt frei am 1. Freitag im Monat
Führungen: 45 Euro (Mo-Fr), 55 Euro (Wochenende/Feiertage)
Freier Eintritt mit dem Museums-Pass-Musées
Newsletter des Stadtmuseums Rastatt: März 2025 (PDF) (412 KB)
Halbjahresprogramm Städtische Museen (PDF) (795 KB)