Open Town Hall Day in Rastatt on July 19, 2024

Rastatt is celebrating the anniversary of the "175th anniversary of the Baden Revolution" with a large town festival, lots of music, colorful performances and culinary delights on the market square from July 19 to 21. On Friday, July 19, the town cordially invited all residents to the Town Hall Open Day. More info

Mayor Monika Müller in conversation with a citizen
Police department vehicle in front of the historic town hall
The Rastatt City Library also takes part in the Open Town Hall Day
Vehicle of the forestry customer area
Rehearsals in the BadnerHalle
Technical Services front loader in front of the historic town hall
Introducing the Planning and Administration customer division
A doll's house in the historic town hall
Colorful collage wall in the foyer of the historic town hall
The council chamber in the historic town hall
The Human Resources customer area also introduces itself
Various departments of the city administration present themselves

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